Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Artichokes stuffed with mushrooms with ham

Artichokes stuffed with mushrooms with ham

Artichokes stuffed with mushrooms with ham
Artichokes 1 pc., 50 mushrooms, ham (bacon) 25, 10 onions, white wine 30, 50 sauce, butter 10, tomato puree 10, 5 crackers, ground pepper, parsley.

Cook cleaned artichokes until soft.

Remove the artichokes one row outer leaves of artichokes filled with minced meat, wrap slices of bacon and tie the thread. Put in a bowl, pour the white wine and red sauce. Simmered 30-50 minutes.
Remove artichokes from a thread, when applying to pour the sauce.
To prepare the stuffing fry in butter chopped mushrooms, mixed with chopped ham them and onion and fry again. Add salt, sprinkle with pepper, fill with tomato sauce, sprinkle with parsley and bread crumbs.


  1. Yum! I love artichokes, my grandma always made them when we were younger. I am definitely going to have to give this version a try.

  2. Artichokes are one of my very favorite vegetables. I'm looking forward to giving your recipe a try.

  3. I make artichokes weekly. They are a favorite!

  4. I don't do enough with artichokes. Will have to change that.

  5. Yum!! Would love to see more photos. It sounds so good :)

  6. This sounds yummy. I love artichoke and mushrooms a lot!!! They are some of my fav veggies actually. I will need to make this!
    Danielle |

  7. Sounds good! I love artichokes


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