Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Fried porcini with onion and sour cream

Fried porcini with onion and sour cream

Fried porcini with onion and sour cream
Porcini 200, 100 potatoes, onion 25, 10 butter, flour 5, 50 sour cream, pepper, herbs.
Prepared porcini mushrooms sliced and peeled potatoes - diced. Potato with fat fry until half, and then put in a sliced mushrooms and cook until tender. Then add a little fry onions, flour, pepper, stir, put the sour cream and boil for 5-10 minutes.
When serving put the mushrooms in a pan or bowl, sprinkle with dill or parsley.


  1. I like all fresh and different ingredients you use in your recipes

  2. I love a good mushroom recipe!! Sounds like a great side dish for any meal!

  3. We have porcinis growing in the mountains here! And although they are plentiful, I've never gotten 200:) Though I'm sure I can portion down the recipe--I'm always looking for new ways to use them so this recipe will be eagerly used come summer!


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