Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Bread soup / Latvian version

Bread soup / Latvian version

Bread soup / Latvian version
Rye bread unsalted 150, raisins or dried fruit 30, 60 sugar, cinnamon 0.02, 30 cream, cranberries 15, apples 45.
Toasted rye crumbs and pour boiling water when they swell, rub through a sieve with the infusion. After that, add the raisins, sugar, cinnamon and apples, sliced, grated cranberries and boil for 5-10 minutes.
Soup to cool and serve with whipped cream.


  1. Sounds good and yummy. Maybe something I need to add to my meal plan for next month.

  2. I've never made bread soup before, but your recipe sounds so delicious! I have a fresh loaf of sourdough bread on hand. I may substitute it for the rye bread so I can create this yummy recipe in my kitchen today. :-)

  3. Combination of bread and soup, right up my alley of what I enjoy making. Time to make some rye bread.

  4. It sounds really great!! Never heard of it before..

  5. I lived in Kiev for many years and this brings back very nice memories! Might just try it out one day and hope to do it justice.

  6. I've never made this before, but that needs to change! It looks delicious!

    xo Ashley


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