Quail 2 pcs., cherries pitted 50, 20 broth, brandy 5, 5 melted lard.
Cut the prepared quail along the side of the back, remove all bones. Carcasses flatten and put on skewers, sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry in a skillet.
For 3-5 minutes until cooked drain the oil, add the cherries (pitted), brown broth (juice), brandy and quails until ready to bring in a sealed container.When serving put the quails with cherries and juice in a deep dish.
From a saucepan drain the fat, pour in the brandy and sturdy brown broth (40- 50 g), boil, drain.
I just happen to have some quail in the freezer from this past falls hunting. New recipe to try out. Perfect timing.