Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Asparagus with orange sauce

Asparagus with orange sauce

Asparagus with orange sauce
200 Asparagus sauce 50, orange 1/4 pcs., 1/6 lemon pieces.

Ingredients for the sauce
Butter 800, 100 water, eggs (yolks), 12 pcs., Lemon 2 pieces. or citric acid 2.

Asparagus peeled, cut into slices (3-4 cm), boil in salted water and discard.

The sauce may be prepared in two ways.
The first method. In a deep skillet pour raw egg yolks and cold water, add the sliced butter and cook stirring continuously shovel or broom. Once the mixture is slightly thickened, stop the heating and season the sauce with salt and lemon juice or citric acid.
The second method. Egg yolks boil water as described above, but without oil. When it formed creamy mass, and stop heating, stirring constantly mass, pour into it a thin stream of melted butter serum. Season the sauce with salt and lemon juice.
Pour the orange juice into the sauce, add the grated orange peel and lemon juice to taste.


  1. YUM!! I love asparagus. I think the orange sauce makes this a perfect combo.

  2. Fresh asparagus is so healthy for a person. Think I will try the second choice of cooking this dish.

  3. Yum! I usually make asparagus pretty plain, but I love this addition!

  4. We love asparagus in our house. This sounds very yummy. I had never thought to make a sauce. I typically eat steamed or baked.

  5. I love asparagus, but would never think to pair it with orange sauce! This sounds delicious!

    xo Ashley

  6. This sounds like a great new way to serve asparagus, we eat so much at my house it will be nice to change it up a bit.

  7. Just had lemon asparagus with lunch <3 this sounds super yummy and different


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