Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Roots Fireweed porridge

Roots Fireweed porridge

Roots Fireweed porridge
Roots fireweed (lat. Chamérion angustifólium) 200, 2 pcs of carrots, raisins, 50, 30 butter.
For this you can use the dried porridge milled roots of willow-herb, or raw. Porridge is prepared in the form of a layer cake: the bottom of the mold put carrots, grated on a coarse grater, trace the roots of willow-herb, then raisins. All fill with water, barely covering the top layer. At very low heat to boil for 3-4 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to languish under the lid for 30 minutes. 
There with butter. Add salt to taste.


  1. I need to try this, i looooove porridge !


  2. WOW thanks for sharing this something new to me I am going to have to try soon!

  3. I have never heard of fireweed roots! Interesting!

  4. We have some fireweed out in our timber. Will have to go do some digging.

  5. I never heard of fireweed porridge before...we just eat the usual chicken, fish, pork, or frog leg porridge here...

  6. I could actually see how this would be really good! It sounds yummy!


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