Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Baked burbot with onion sauce with mushrooms

Baked burbot with onion sauce with mushrooms

Burbot, baked with onion sauce with mushrooms
Fish 150, 6 flour, melted butter or margarine 15, 100-150 potatoes, sauce 125, 4 crackers, cheese 5, pepper and herbs.

Portion pieces of fish, cut from the fillet without skin and bones, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fry in melted butter. In a frying pan or oval dish (for baking), grease, pour a little onion sauce with mushrooms, put on his fried fish, which lay next to the small scale, the same size tubers are peeled boiled potatoes (2-3 pcs.).
Pour over potatoes and onion sauce fish with mushrooms, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the ovens until a golden brown in the sauce.
Post a fish in the same pot in which it is baked, sprinkle with oil and sprinkle with parsley.


  1. I don't have burbot, will have to see what kind of fish this is and what I can exchange for it.

  2. I love baked fish and the recipe sounds delicious. Will definitely try.

  3. This is interesting! =) I have never heard of this fish before? Is it a salt or fresh water fish? The onion sauce looks amazing!

    1. Burbot is exclusively freshwater fish from cod squad :)

  4. Never heard of that kind before, should look it up in the Korean market probably. Would love a picture of the finished dish though, just to get the feel of it. Nice recipe.

  5. Wow - I find your recipes so interesting! I'm going to try this one day!


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