Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Fruit soups


May 2016

Fruit soups

Fruit soups

Citrus soup

Oranges 1/2 pcs. or large tangerines 1 pcs., 20 sugar, potato starch 10, cream or sour cream 20, citric acid.
Sugar (half the norm) to dissolve in hot water, add the thinly sliced zest of oranges or tangerines and bring to a boil. Then enter pre-diluted with cold water potato starch and again heated to boiling. The resulting syrup to cool.
Peeled orange or tangerine slice, remove grain, cover slices of sugar and leave it for a while (while preparing the syrup). In the cooled syrup, put the prepared fruit and add citric acid, if the soup is not enough sour.
Separately, for garnish boiled crumbly rice or sago.
When serving in a bowl put a side dish, pour the soup and add sour cream or cream.

Fresh fruit soup

80 Apples, pears 90, 10 potato starch, sugar 40, cream or sour cream 20, cinnamon 0.5, citric acid.
Peeled and seeds of apples and pears (from waste prepared broth), cut into slices, wedges or cubes, pour the strained broth or water, add sugar, cinnamon and cook over low heat. Before the end of cooking, pour the soup diluted with cold water, potato starch, stirring gently so as not to mash the fruit, and again heated to boiling. If the soup is not enough sour, add citric acid.
Before serving, remove cinnamon from soup, then pour it into a bowl and add sour cream or cream.


  1. I like how every time I read your recipes I want to devour the words!! You had me at "add the thinly sliced zest of oranges or tangerines and bring to a boil" I know that's not the final product but even that sounds delicious!


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