Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Tangerine jelly

Tangerine jelly

Tangerine jelly
Tangerines fresh 35, 15 plum canned, syrup from fruit 12, 10 sugar, 3 gelatine, citric acid of 0.1.

Tangerine peel and white fibers, divided into slices or cut thin slices.
Syrup from canned plums dilute with water, add sugar, then heat to a boil, combine with gelatin, to enter the citric acid, and then filtered.
Prepared mixture pour into molds with a layer of 1-1,5 cm and allow to solidify. On top of the jelly nicely to place slices of tangerines, pour them in the same layer of the mixture and, after the second layer of jelly hardens, fill the moulds with the mixture up to the top, then chill well.
To enhance the flavor of jelly you can add a small amount of pink Muscat or port wine (about 15 g per serving).


  1. Yummy food here on your blog..thanks for visiting mine


  2. Looks really delicous and simple to do. I've never tried this before but plan to try it out.


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