Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Jam from gooseberry


Mar 2016

Jam from gooseberry

Jam from gooseberry
1 kg of gooseberry — 1.5 kg of sugar and 3/4 Cup water.

For jam it is better to take a small gooseberry, unripe. Gooseberries before cooking it is necessary to stand in cold water for 6-8 hours.
Large berries, if such will come to cooking, you need a sharp knife to make an incision and remove the side grain, then the gooseberries to soften the pulp to put in cold water and soak for days in often changes of water.
Prepared gooseberries, pour hot syrup and boil until cooked jam.

To add flavor to the jam during cooking you can add lemon zest or vanilla.


  1. I've always wanted to try gooseberries but I have very rarely seen them for sale in Australia, and when I did - expensive! My mother used to eat them in Germany as a child, I think Europe would have a better climate for them.

    1. Thanks for visiting. In principle, gooseberries undemanding plant.


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