Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Vanilla Souffle

Vanilla Souffle

Vanilla Souffle
86 eggs, sugar 30, 40 milk, flour 8, 2 butter, vanilla or vanilla sticks 0.05 or 1/10, powdered sugar 5, 150 milk or cream.
Pour the egg yolks in a saucepan and mix thoroughly with sugar. The resulting mass is to combine with the flour, add the vanilla, diluted with hot milk and stirring with a wooden whisk, boil the mixture until thick.
Cooked egg-milk mixture through a sieve, and then connect with the whipped whites, stir well broom. German silver pan with butter to grease, put the souffle brewed slide.
You can apply the same weight figure, releasing it from the paper rolls stacked on a hill souffle. Bake the souffle in ovens at 200-250 °.
Serve with milk, sprinkle souffle with powdered sugar.


  1. Souffle is a classic, thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh this sounds wonderful. I have never tried a souffle before. #BlogEngagment

  3. This looks like a must-try. Thanks!

  4. That sounds delicious! I've only ever attempted soufflé once, I think it's time to try again!

  5. Its been ages I have tried a souffle .. Time to give it a try with this recipe >>Thanks!!

  6. This looks divine. I was never a fan of vanilla I always thought it was quite sickly, now I really enjoy it!


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