Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Salad with tongue, vegetables and apples

Salad with tongue, vegetables and apples

Salad with tongue, vegetables and apples
60 tongue, boiled potatoes 40, 20 carrots, apples (semi-sweet) 40, 45 eggs, 20 capers, anchovies (fillets) 15, beets boiled 20, 40 dressing salad, pepper, herbs.

Boiled tongue, carrots and potatoes, fresh apples without skin and seeds, egg (1/2 pcs.). Cut into slices, add capers, season with salt, pepper, salad dressing and mix.
Salad put in a salad bowl slide, on top of making an array of anchovy fillets, sprinkle with finely chopped greens around decorate beet slices and boiled eggs.


  1. This is such a great insight into Soviet culture and environment from the standpoint of food. Truly you've taken on a great project


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