Pears 75, 40 sugar, wine (sherry) 10, 5 almonds, citric acid 0.2.
Prepared pears cook until tender in water, which add sugar (0.5 normal) and citric acid, and then lay out with a slotted spoon to a sieve. Broth strain, dissolve it in the remaining sugar, bring to a boil, then stop heating and pour in the syrup sherry.
At the same time prepare the almonds. To do this, the almonds pour hot water, heated to a boil and then remove from the water, peel and cut into 4-5 pieces. Sliced almonds fried in ovens until the brown color.Chilled pears put in ice-cream bowls or vases stem up and chop them in tiers pieces of roasted almonds. After that pear must pour syrup.
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