Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Vol-au-vent with crabs

Vol-au-vent with crabs

Vol-au-vent with crabs
Vol-au-vent 4 pcs. (20-25 g), 80 crabs, crayfish sauce 60.

Ingredients for vol-au-vent
100 pcs. 25 grams each: flour 1416, cream margarine 940, 100 blends, vinegar an 80% 2.2, 16 salt, water 625, mélange lubrication 88.
Vol au vent - high boxes round or oval, baked puff pastry. Vol au vent is used for the preparation of some hot and cold dishes. Filled with meat or fish products Vol au vent serves as meals and snacks; fruit, jam or cream - as a cake or a sweet dish.
Depending on the purpose of Vol au vent made of various sizes. As an independent food (1 pc. Per serving) Vol au vent is prepared by weighing 80 grams, and a snack supply 2 pcs. per serving them do less weight.
Puff pastry roll out a layer thickness of 3-4 mm corrugated recess cut out circles - tortillas. Half of the total number of cakes put on a sheet of water-wet and lubricate the eggs; of the other little cakes notch cut out the middle. This ring is put on the lower circle and press the hand.
Before baking surface volovanov lubricate eggs, which in any case should not be placed on the sides of the product, or layers of dough will stick together and finished products are obtained curves.
In the manufacture of large quantities volovanov upper cake fillings should make thicker than the bottom, and a hole cut in it of larger diameter.
Bake Vol au vent at a temperature of 220-230 °.
Crabs sorted into small and large pieces, remove the bone plates. Cut into small pieces of crab, warm crayfish sauce and season. Large chunks of crab cut into square pieces and smooth and warm.
When submitting dressed crab put in a Vol au vent, crayfish sauce to pour on top put a large piece of crab.
Post vol-au-vent on a plate covered with a cloth.
You can also cook crayfish, burbot liver and cod. Crabs can be submitted and other sauces.


  1. Now your talking a meal I could eat once a week if I could afford it.

  2. I love crab. Such a sweet and tender meat!

  3. This looks and sounds delicious and perfect for Spring entertaining! XO

    Anna || A Lily Love Affair

  4. I have never had crab before. This seems like a good way to try it.

  5. I love crab, especially Pacific NW Dungeness Crab when it's in season and this would be an interesting new recipe to try.


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