Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Millet casserole with pumpkin

Millet casserole with pumpkin

Millet casserole with pumpkin
Groat 70, 75 milk, water 60, 100 pumpkin, sugar 10, eggs or egg powder 10 or 3, 35 cream, butter 15, 5 crackers.

Purified from the peels and seeds pumpkin cut into small cubes, dipped in boiling water or milk, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Pour the mixture prepared millet porridge and cook until tender.
Cooled to 70 ° porridge add raw egg, stir, put on a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with bread crumbs. 
Porridge surface smoothed, brush with a mixture of eggs with sour cream and bake in the Ovens. Post casserole with sour cream, butter, milk or cream sauce.


  1. I love pumpkins and to add them to a casserole is just amazing. It sounds so delicious

  2. I'm learning a lot from your blog. Great recipe. Definitely a must try.

  3. Pumpkin is a very versatile veggie, I can eat it sweet or savory and still love it just the same.

  4. Love a new pumpkin recipe, this is winner.

  5. What a unique recipe! I'm adding this one to my recipe collection. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  6. I'm a huge fan of anything pumpkin so this will be a must try for me


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