Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Green beans, baked with an egg

Green beans, baked with an egg

Green beans, baked with an egg
150 beans, butter 5, eggs 1 pc.

The first method. Peeled green beans cut into pieces 2-3 cm long, boil in salted water and drain. A la carte pan greased with butter, put it boiled pods, pour raw, mixed with salt egg and bake in the Ovens. Post beans on the same pan in which it is baked.

200 beans, butter or lard melted 10, eggs 1-2 pieces, sour cream 20 per egg.

The second method. Peeled green beans veins cut crosswise into 3-4 pieces or shred into large noodles and boil in salted water. Before serving pods lightly fry with butter or lard to batch frying pan, pour the egg mixed with sour cream and bake in the ovens.
Post beans on the same pan in which it is baked.


  1. green beans are one of my favorite things to eat. this is a must try for me.

  2. Simple and will be great when my beans come on fresh from the garden.

  3. I adore green beans. I eat them often. I have never tried with an egg.

  4. I love green beans but never made them with eggs. Would love to try soon.

  5. This recipe looks delicious! I never thought to have eggs with green beans. Thank you for sharing.


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