Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Stuffed baked trout

Stuffed baked trout

Stuffed baked trout
90 fish, 60 fish mince, onion 10, parsley 5, 10 white wine, porcini mushrooms or champignons 30, 10 crabs, cheese 6, 10 butter, white sauce 100, pepper.

Cook fish mince of pike perch, pike or catfish, add the finely chopped onion browned and fill out this mass of prepared trout belly.
Fish for stuffing, split into fillets without skin and bones, cut into pieces and mince. In the received mass put soaked in milk or cold water stale bread (no crusts), salt, pepper, all well mixed and again passed through a meat grinder.
In minced from lean fish, you can add beef, pork or fish fat or butter (50-100 g of fat per 1 kg of pulp). When using raw pork and beef fat it together with fish are minced; butter mixed with ready minced fish. If minced from lean fish do not add fat to increase the friability is recommended to add the cooled boiled fish passed through a meat grinder. To obtain the most uniform consistency minced fish thoroughly mixed.
Stuffed fish put in oiled saucepan, add the fish broth, onion, parsley, white wine, salt and simmered in a sealed container on low heat until tender.
Prepared fish put on a platter and garnish with cooked fresh mushrooms and crabs. Add the broth, remaining after simmered, white sauce, bring to boil, season to taste with salt and pepper and strain.
Drizzle with fish sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in a very hot ovens.

1 comment:

  1. I friggin' ADORE fish! So stuffing it with even more deliciousness - YES PLEASE!


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