Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Chicken with tomatoes

Chicken with tomatoes

Chicken with tomatoes
Chicken 180, 4 flour, butter 20, 20 onions, mushrooms 30, 60 tomatoes, garlic 0.5, 10 white wine, white bread 40, one egg or potatoes 100, pepper, herbs

Prepared chicken pieces, add salt, roll in flour and fry with butter. When the chicken pieces are browned, add in the pot with finely chopped onions and fry it until golden brown, then add mashed with salt garlic, white wine, chopped tomatoes without skin and seeds, sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, brown broth (40-50 g) and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
When serving the chicken pieces, put in a bowl or plate and pour over sauce; chicken, put poached egg, toasted wheat bread, fried in butter.
On the side instead of eggs and toast, you can submit fried or boiled potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds good. I like cooking chicken because it's normally simple, affordable and easy!


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