Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Stuffed goose

Stuffed goose

Stuffed goose
Gus about 2 kg, 2 onions, 2 apples, 100 g of bread, 50 grams of milk, herbs, salt and pepper.

Goose is well cleaned, rinsed and gut. Giblets chop and fry. Onions fried in goose fat. Giblets mixed with onions and apple slices, add soaked in milk or water bread, herbs, salt and pepper. Mixed mixture and stuff the goose belly, sew the hole.
Prepared goose fry until golden brown, then put in the oven and cook until ready. It is necessary to constantly watered goose stand out juice.
Ready to check on a light goose, without blood, juice, if you pierce it with a knife. Meat should be soft.

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