Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Kissel from cornelian cherry and mirabelle plum


Mar 2016

Kissel from cornelian cherry and mirabelle plum

Kissel from cornelian cherry, mirabelle plum and gooseberry
Cornelian cherries, mirabelle plum 32, 24 gooseberries, sugar 24, 10 starch, citric acid 0.1.

The cornelian cherry, mirabelle and gooseberry bust, rinse with cold water, put in bowl, pour hot water and boil for 7-10 minutes. Ready broth pour into another bowl.
The remaining berries a good mash, combine with broth, bring to a boil, then strain through a sieve. In the prepared liquid add the sugar, citric acid, and again heat to boiling.
To combine the syrup with starch and cooling of the finished kissel.

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