150 Sorrel, 5 parsley, onion 10, 10 table margarine, milk 50, eggs 3/4 pcs., white bread 30, bay leaf, pepper, herbs.
Sorrel (50% of the norm) simmered, rub through a sieve, put in boiling broth, add the browned vegetables, and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before end of cooking, put the remaining sorrel leaves, cut into 2-3 pieces, salt and spices (bay leaf, pepper).
Separately, prepare a mixture of egg yolks (1/4 pcs.) and milk, cook hard-boiled eggs or in a bag. From white bread to cook small croutons.
When serving put in a bowl half peeled hard-boiled eggs, pour the egg-milk mixture, shchi, add the croutons and sprinkle with herbs.Croutons can be submitted separately.
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