Pink liqueur 70, brandy 5, sugar syrup 40, 30 lemon juice, "Narzan" (mineral bottled water) 40, 30 fruits, ice 40
To prepare a cold punch into a glass of a capacity of 250 cm3 put edible ice in the amount shown in the layout, squeeze the lemon juice or pour the diluted citric acid (1 L of water - 50 g of citric acid), sugar syrup (sugar syrup containing 800 g sugar 1 l.), liqueur, brandy, pour "Narzan" and mix well.
In a glass put a slice of lemon, orange, fresh or canned pineapple or other fruit.Punches cherry, raspberry, cornel, blackcurrant, mint prepared for layout pink punch replacing pink cherry brandy liqueur, raspberry, cornel, blackcurrant and mint liqueur.
Sounds pretty straight forward and simple enough to make! Awesome of you for sharing this pink punch recipe!