Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Partridge in cream with raisins

Partridge in cream with raisins

>Partridge in cream with raisins
Partridge 1/2 pcs., 5 flours, butter 12, 5 cognac, cream or sour cream 30, 20 raisins, white bread 30, pepper.

Crude partridge cut into two pieces, flatten slightly, add salt, sprinkle with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fry in a skillet quickly and butter.
Then the partridge pieces pour brandy, close the bowl with a lid and a minute later add brown broth (20-30 g), cream, raisins and cook in a closed pot over low heat for 5-6 minutes.
When a partridge put on a dish or saucer. Garnish toasted wheat bread, toasted in butter; pour the sauce with raisins.


  1. Such an interesting recipe! I've never tried partridge but the sauce sounds great :)

  2. I haven't tried partridge before, but I love anything with booze in it!

  3. Thanks for the recipe Cook-Rook! Do you ever use quail in lieu of partridge? Or chicken even?

    1. I have not used, but you can try. Chicken, why not :)

  4. I have not have partridge before but this recipe sounds quite interesting and tasty.

  5. This sounds really good! I've never had anything like this but would love to try it!


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