Bread kvass 300, 80 beef, green onion 30, 60 cucumbers, sour cream 40, eggs 1/2 pcs., 5 sugar, mustard ready 2, greens.
Chilled cooked meat and peeled cucumber cut into small cubes or strips short (1.5-2 cm). Green onion finely chop and rubbed with a small amount of salt as long as the juice appears.
Cook hard-boiled eggs, cut or chop finely. The cream put the eggs, green onions, mustard, sugar, salt (to taste), mix well and dilute kvass. The resulting mixture add the rest of prepared foods and stir again.When submitting okroshka sprinkle with dill. If okroshka prepared in large quantities, it is necessary to connect all the products prepared with sour cream, add a little kvass and store on ice. When serving in a bowl put a portion of products with sour cream, pour kvass and sprinkle with dill.
Okroshka veal and fowl
IngredientsBread kvass 300, veal 47, grouse or partridge 1/3 pcs., green onion 30, 60 cucumbers, sour cream 40, eggs 1/2 pcs., 5 sugar, mustard ready 2, greens.
Prepare and submit this okroshka well as meat. Veal and grouse or partridge pre-fry or boil.
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