Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Herring forshmak


Feb 2016

Herring forshmak

Herring forshmak
Herring 100, white bread 75, milk 75, 20 onions, sunflower oil 10, sour cream 30, 5 crackers, nutmeg and pepper.

Pole, Norwegian or any other similar salted herring, soak in cold water for 24-30 hours. Then, herring gut, remove the skin and remove the bone, and the flesh through a meat grinder with white hard bread without crusts, previously soaked in milk or cream.
Onions finely chop and lightly fry in sunflower oil and mix with herring mass.
Season to taste a lot of herring pepper, nutmeg and, if desired, with salt.
Arrange mass into portions of the pan, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, smooth surface, lubricated with sour cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, sprinkle with butter and bake in the ovens.

Drizzle with butter or sour cream and serve.

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