Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Crayfish tails in tomato sauce

Crayfish tails in tomato sauce

Сrayfish tails in tomato sauce
Crayfish 12 pcs., salt 30, 40 mushrooms, tomato sauce with wine 60, carrots, parsley, onion 30, 5 tarragon, bay leaf, peppercorns and herbs.
Live crayfish wash with cold water (raki asleep unsuitable for cooking), put in a bowl, add the chopped parsley, carrots, tarragon, onion and dill, bay leaf, allspice, salt; Pour hot water, cover bowl with a lid and cook for 8-10 minutes after boiling water.
Separate neck cancers, clearing them from the shells.
Put сrayfish slide in a porcelain cup (cocotte) or another small bowl and add the poached mushrooms, sliced.
Thick claw portion separated from the shells, lay around on the edges of crayfish cocottes neck and pour tomato sauce with wine.
When serving sprinkle with chopped herbs.


  1. YUM! I could certainly get along quite nicely with this dish!

  2. Oh this dish sounds lovely - I love crayfish and lobster etc.

  3. Oooh that sounds yummy! I haven't had crayfish in a really long time!

  4. I haven't had proper crayfish for ages. My late Dad used to bring the big dark crayfish from his fishing forays, when we stayed in the godforsaken village where my grandparents lived. If I remember correctly, it was cooked in a big bucket with dill. Must ask my Mum what else was added. Your recipe sounds delicious.

    1. Yes you right, exactly in a big bucket with dill :) Until crayfish turn red. In Russia says: You red like a crayfish :)


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