Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Buns choux pastry with minced of wildfowl


Feb 2016

Buns choux pastry with minced of wildfowl

Buns choux pastry with minced of wildfowl
Buns 4 pc. (20-25 g each), cooked wildfowl 50, 10 mushrooms, butter 5, 20 sauce, greens.

For minced meat fried or boiled wildfowl and stewed mushrooms cut into small cubes, lightly fried (3-5 minutes) with butter and season with red wine sauce.
The round-shaped buns, baked choux dough, make slits through which to fill them with minced of wildfowl just before serving.
Buns served on a plate with a paper towel and garnish with sprigs of greenery.

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