Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Almond Cookies


Feb 2016

Almond Cookies

Almond Cookies
66 flour, sugar 658, 263 almonds, eggs (protein) 263. Out of 1 kg (220 pcs.).

Almonds after bulkhead mixed with half of sugar, one fourth of the egg whites and minced in a meat grinder, then add remaining sugar and proteins.
The mass is heated to 40 °C, cooled to 18-20 °C, stirring occasionally; add the flour and whisk for 5-10 minutes.
The finished dough put in a pastry bag with a smooth tube with a diameter of 1 cm and release a small cake in the pan, greased and lightly floured, or on a sheet of paper. Bake the cake at 180-200 °C.


  1. Oh my goodness, that sounds delicious!! Can't wait to try it. My son loves almond cookies :)

  2. This sounds so good! I love almond cookies :)

  3. I love the texture that almonds give cookies.

  4. This sounds amazing! Almond cookies are so delicious!

  5. Ok ok ok, be honest with me. These sound delicious but were you able to eat one or did you finish off the entire batch in a single sitting?? :) :) :)

  6. I haven't had almond cookies in years! Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  7. Almond is great in cookies - sounds delicious. Would be good coated in a bit of chocolate too.

  8. love me some almond cookies right now ! pinned


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