Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Potato patties with meat / original version

Potato patties with meat / original version

Potato patties with meat
Potatoes 250, 8 eggs, beef 40 or liver 40, 5 onions, wheat flour 5, 10 fat, 5 butter, sugar 5.

Hot boiled potatoes through a meat grinder, add the eggs, salt and mix. From the resulting mass of molded potato round cakes, put them on the ground beef patty and make semi-circular shape. Pies breaded in flour and fry. Served hot with butter.
Just cook potato cakes with cabbage or sauerkraut fresh. Fresh cabbage chop and fry in a pan with the fat, then season with salt, add the fry onion, raw egg and mix. Sauerkraut stew with onions and fat, then season with sugar.


  1. Nice hearty meal that will make everyone happy. I better plant extra potatoes.

  2. This is a really interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing.


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