Soviet Cooking

Almost forgotten recipes from past time
Rare Soviet cookbook published 1955 in the USSR

Fillet of wild goat, stewed with wine and apples

Fillet of wild goat, stewed with wine and apples

Fillet of wild goat, stewed with wine and apples
Meat 200, 100 pickle, bacon 20, 10 lard, butter 5, roots and onions 15, 30 apples, oranges 30, 15 wine, meat broth 75, 150 garnish.
From the spinal and kidney parts of carcasses of wild goat spine, rib chop off so that when the ends of the meat were no longer than 4 cm, rough cut tendons and cut the meat into portions. To sustain wild goat meat in the marinade for 12-15 hours.
Lard and fry the bacon with melted lard, add finely chopped carrots, parsley, celery and onions. When the fillet is formed on the surface of the crust, fat drained, add the apples cut into slices (without seeds), cut into slices oranges (without skin and seeds), pour the Madeira or sherry and simmer for 30 minutes. To the sauce is burnt, you can pour a little broth.
The finished meat is removed, and in a bowl with vegetables and apples add as many good broth as needed for cooking the meat sauce, boil, drain and rub through a sieve with vegetables and apples.
When applying fillets to put in a dish and pour the oil.
Garnish - green peas, green beans, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts or other vegetable garnish. The sauce in a gravy boat to file separately.


  1. Sounds very tasty and easy enough to make. I always like trying new recipes and adding something different to my meal planning. Thanks!

  2. I can get ahold of some tame goat meat, should turn out the same.

  3. I love the stewed wine and apples! Delicious. I have never tried wild goat. I wonder where I can find it. This recipe sounds great!

  4. Your recipes are so intriguing! I'm not sure about the availability of wild goat where I live, but from the rest of the ingredients and the cooking method I bet it would taste wonderful if another meat like pork is substituted for the wild goat. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  5. Stewed wine and apples you said, sounds delish! I am vegetarian so will have to look for an alternative to go with this :)
    xx, Kusum |


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